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[STATA] STATA 관련 파일 확장자들 - dta, do, log

STATA 시작하기에 앞서 먼저 다루었어야 하는데, STATA 관련 파일 확장자는 크게 세 가지가 있습니다. 간단한 내용이기에 번역하지 않고 MIT 자료를 첨부합니다.


What is it?

Where does it come from?

Hand in with problem set?


The "input" file. This is the Stata data file.

You need to download the data files for each problem set from the course website.



The "program" file that acts upon the "input" file. This is a text file containing a list of Stata commands. Save your program as text file with a "do" extension. Then to run your program, at the Stata prompt, type "do filename" for your program called filename.do. 

You write it. I usually use emacs. I have an xterm window with my do file running on emacs, and another xterm window with Stata. 


YES -- but only the FINAL, working version.


The "output" file. This file echoes whatever appears on screen in ASCII text format. 

You ask Stata to echo a session by typing "log using filename" and Stata automatically names it filename.log. When you are done, you type "log close" and the log file will be ready for your editing, printing, etc. I usually ask Stata to open (and close) a log file in my do file.

NOT IN ENTIRETY -- edit your log file and only hand in the parts that are directly relevant for answering the problem set questions.

출처: http://web.mit.edu/14.33/www/stata_A.html

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